Implementation of a basic architectural design methodology in the initial stage of the architecture student learning process at “Universidad Americana - UAM”, 2021-2022.
architectural composition, design method, architectural object, architectural prefiguration, figurative procedure, architectural design educationAbstract
Aimed at developing a philosophy, theory, and method of design, we present this essay that gathers the experience and results of the implementation of a basic methodology in the initial teaching stages of architecture, and that refers to the practical outcome of the students of the first year of the architecture course at ¨Universidad Americana UAM¨, Nicaragua. The study addresses the projects presented during the second semester of 2021 and the first semester of 2022 and includes only the projects that were awarded the first three places in the semester academic contest. The main purpose of this article is to present a methodological perspective of the development of academic projects in the initial subjects included in the discipline of Basic Architectural Design, which synthesizes the learning of concepts, formal and essential properties, and principles of architectural composition; related to the application of the principles of spatial organization and structural relations: geometric, dimensional and tensional; applying a figurative procedure and a basic design method. The students used orthogonal projections (frontal, lateral, and top views) to create and execute the volumetric composition didactically denominated as the “Three-dimensional Abstract Architectural Model” (MAAT) 1. In addition, the cognitive and practical applicative growth of the students is evidenced in this work, developing the elements to manage a philosophy and a theory of their own at this stage of the learning process, through the application of an architectural design method. The results shown are considered satisfactory, from the genesis and development of the projects and achieving elements for the appropriation of a personalized project style.
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