Compound odontoma: Case report in a child patient


  • Karla Elízabeth Malespín García Docente Clínica de Cirugía Oral de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Americana, UAM
  • David Mendieta Hospital Roberto Calderón. Docente Clínica de Cirugía Oral de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad Americana, UAM
  • Ana Cecilia Rivera Castellón Universidad Americana, UAM
  • Gabriel José Herrera Guevara Universidad Americana, UAM



Compound odontoma, odontogenic tumors, pediatrics patient


The odontoma is one of the most frequent benign odontogenic tumors within the jaws (26-70%).
It represents a ‘‘Anomaly of the development of the dental structure.’’ Composed of a mixture
of odontogenic cells that form dentin and enamel. It presents normal cells and tissues, but with a defective structure. They are classified into compound and complex odontomas, being asymptomatic lesions of multifactorial etiology. Its treatment is surgical and periodic controls, although its recurrence is rare. Furthermore, a case of a 7-year-old female patient who attends
the Pediatric Dentistry clinic of the American University is presented. The patient has an increase in volume in the vestibular region in the second quadrant, between the canine and the first upper primary molar. On clinical inspection, the absence of the dental organ (OD) is verified 6.3. In the imaging examination, a radiopaque lesion compatible with the radiographic description of an odontoma was observed, associated with upper temporal canine (6.3), upper lateral incisor (6.2) and permanent canine (2.3) that are outside the plane of dental occlusion. Subsequently, as an
auxiliary method, Cone Beam tomography was used, in where the field of study was visualized,
which facilitated the decision in the integral management of the case. It was decided to remove the lesion with its histopathological study, resulting in compound odontoma. The objective of this article is to describe the clinical and imaging characteristics of the case, as well as its surgical approach and comprehensive management.


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How to Cite

Malespín García, K. E. ., Mendieta, D., Rivera Castellón, A. C., & Herrera Guevara, G. J. (2024). Compound odontoma: Case report in a child patient. Stomarium Dental Journal, 1(1), 35–50.

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