The “click” generation: digital natives in higher education in nicaragua


  • Georvany José Salgado Aráuz Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología



Technology-assisted learning, digital literacy, click generation, online education, role of the teacher, digital natives


The transition and educational evolution that online or distance education has had due to the high demand of the click generation can be defined as a tool to build our society in a more competitive way, which is why it has migrated to the study model. B-learning and e-learning taking into account the difficulties that most students and teachers have in terms of the economic, technological and social factor, therefore this modality allows providing a better quality of university services by its teachers as well as strategies for the implementation of the use and appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies-ICT to meet the global demands of digital natives. To do this, it is necessary to specify that it is not enough for people to have access to technologies, but they must also learn to use them effectively for learning, creativity, scientific, technological and cultural progress. ICT is a means to promote quality education and pedagogical innovation, which helps create learning spaces that meet the needs of new generations. That is why the click generation is defined as those who are knowledgeable and dominant in technologies, as well as their scientific development in the teaching-learning process assisted by technologies.


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How to Cite

Salgado Aráuz, G. J. (2023). The “click” generation: digital natives in higher education in nicaragua. Scientific Journal of Social Studies, 3(3), 191–201.