Comparison of the Repetition, Magnitude, and Persistence curve of a hydrometeorological station with the global climatic database from WorldClim
Climate Change, Gumbel, Magnitude, Repetition, PersistenceAbstract
The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology that leads to a comparison for the generation of Repetition, Magnitude, and Persistence curves, starting from the Gumbel expression. Precipitation data from the Managua Airport Station, Nicaragua, and global data from WorldClim were retrieved. Subsequently, the methodology was implemented with the potential regression model, and finally, the importance of Repetition, Magnitude, and Persistence curves was assessed. It was noted that the continuity of results for both databases is well-defined from the persistence of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 500 years, with a repetition from 5 to 60 minutes at intervals of 5 minutes, the shape of the graphs is a potential regression parabola. This indicates that the database generated from WorldClim global data can be used in hydraulic studies when precipitation data is lacking. The importance of generating Repetition, Magnitude, and Persistence (RPM) curves lies in their utility in hydrology to characterize rainfall Magnitude based on Repetition and Persistence. It is emphasized that these curves are crucial in water resources planning and for the application of road hydrotechnics.
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