Primary closure of unilateral cleft lip. Case report
Cleft lip, primary closure, surgical techniquesAbstract
The cleft lip is the most common congenital malformation, which affects structures of the face and oral cavity, due to its characteristics, it implies multidisciplinary management, where the specialist surgeon is one of the relevant components due to the variety of surgical procedures that the patient requires repair of the anomalies present in said primary condition. Objective: To Report the surgical techniques performed in the primary closure of five patients with unilateral cleft lip, according to the systematic surgical protocol used. Material and Method: A descriptive study, case report type, with a qualitative approach, and cross-sectional. The surgical procedures are described in five pediatric patients, younger than 12 months, diagnosed with unilateral cleft lips, operated on during the year 2022, using the Fisher technique and nasal reconstruction for primary closure. The five patients were evaluated individually according to the initial severity index. Results: The immediate postoperative period of five patients with unilateral, non-syndromic cleft lips is shown, in whom a surgical technique for primary closure was performed, based on the anatomical subunits of the lip and nose, described by Fisher, since 2004, which allowed Minimize the visibility of postoperative scars, being essential to obtain satisfactory aesthetic results. Conclusions: For satisfactory primary closure in patients with unilateral cleft lip, the Fisher technique is recommended due to its main advantages, in combination with primary reconstruction of the nasal floor and closure of the alveolar fissure, recommended surgical procedures to achieve satisfactory results in the immediate postoperative period.
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