Tuberculated Mesiodens: Report of a case in a pediatric patient


  • Karla Elizabeth Malespín García American University, UAM. Pediatric Dentistry Clinic Professor
  • Sofía Paola Córdova Arcia Universidad Americana, UAM



Mesiodens, supernumerary teeth, dental anomaly, pediatric dentistry


Mesiodens are supernumerary teeth that are commonly seen in the maxillary midline, between the central incisors. It is considered one of the commonly observed dental abnormalities in children. Given their high frequency, general dentists should be aware of the signs and symptoms of mesiodens and their appropriate treatment. This case report describes a 7-year-old boy who presented clinical and radiographic findings of a tuberculate supernumerary tooth in quadrant 2. On clinical examination, the erupted supernumerary tooth was observed at the level of the maxillary midline and clinical absence of the teeth 6.1 and 2.1. The radiographic examination shows the presence of the dental piece 2.1, which was included. The patient refers in his family medical history that his father has drug addiction, mother who suffered from leukemia and siblings with supernumerary teeth. After carrying out an adequate anamnesis and a correct clinical and radiographic diagnosis, it was decided to approach the case surgically, on an outpatient basis in the clinics of the American University. The aim of this article is to report the case of a tuberculous mesiodens in a pediatric patient with mixed dentition, inform about its shape, differential diagnosis and approach, in order to demonstrate the differentiate from this one to other teeth abnormalities of shape.


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How to Cite

Malespín García, K. E., & Córdova Arcia, S. P. (2024). Tuberculated Mesiodens: Report of a case in a pediatric patient. Stomarium Dental Journal, 1(1), 51–62.

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