Inventory of the Urban Green Spaces Subsystem in the City of Managua, Nicaragua


  • Napoléon Guerrero Flores Universidad Americana, UAM
  • Bielka María Barrera-Ríos Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería-UNI
  • Milex Alberto Bello-Espinoza Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería-UNI



Urban green space, urban park, registration, inventory and classification


The research work considers the inventory as an effective tool to register the urban green spaces of Managua and has the objective of establishing an updated cartography of the parquet of the pieces that make up the EVU subsystem. The investigation establishes a database that collects the characteristics of urban greens, such as name, location, surface, size and shape. Preparing the list through documentary consultations, interviews and field visits made it possible to update the record of the existing gardens by 2022, check the physical condition and quantify the urban indices and contrast with Nicaraguan and international standards that allow measuring the quality of urban life. Recording and comparing the parameters that define this urban morphology constitutes an urgent task to develop improvement strategies. The classification opens levels of exploration that make possible the morphological study to understand the urban layout that affects the pedestrian space and the recreation, leisure and environmental recovery functions of urban areas.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Flores, N., Barrera-Ríos, B. M. ., & Bello-Espinoza, M. A. . (2024). Inventory of the Urban Green Spaces Subsystem in the City of Managua, Nicaragua. Scientific Journal of Engineering and Architecture_iyA, 2(2), 3–25.