Effect of the Viscosity of Nopal Mucilage and Brown Algae Extract on the Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel


  • Eddisson Francisco Hernández Universidad Americana, UAM
  • Prisciliano Felipe de Jesús Cano Barrita CIIDIR Unidad Oaxaca, Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Andrés Antonio Torres-Acosta Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey: Queretaro




Viscosity, Nopal mucilage, Brown algae extract, Corrosion, Reinforcing steel


his paper presents the results of the effect of the viscosity of nopal mucilage and brown algae extract on the corrosion process of reinforcing steel. Six solutions of natural and commercial additives were prepared at different concentrations. Cement pastes containing organic additions were made with a water-to-cement ratio of 0.60. Concrete prisms containing steel rebar were fabricated and subjected to contamination with NaCl (3.5%). Rheological measurements were taken of the prepared organic solutions and pore solutions extracted from hardened cement pastes. Half-cell potential and linear polarization resistance measurements were performed at different ages. The results show that the viscosity of the solutions increases with the concentration of the additives. The electrochemical measurement results indicate that the organic additions increase the corrosion rate of the steel compared to the commercial additives, due to their retarding effect on the cement hydration process and the concentration of NaCl used.



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How to Cite

Hernández , E. F. ., Cano Barrita, P. F. de J., & Torres-Acosta, A. A. (2025). Effect of the Viscosity of Nopal Mucilage and Brown Algae Extract on the Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel. Scientific Journal of Engineering and Architecture_iyA, 3(3), 60–65. https://doi.org/10.62407/rciya.v3i3.157