Thinking about Architecture from its Three Levels of Analysis and Formation: The Constructive, the Social (Urban), and the Aesthetic (Design)


  • Norbert Bertrand Barbe Université de Strasbourg



Desing, architectural construction, history, theory


This essay aims to explore the relationship between architecture and its various approaches, both in its sociological, historical, and theoretical analysis and in its practical realization—urban, architectural, constructive, and aesthetic (design). It seeks to demonstrate how these aspects are interconnected, providing a better understanding for students in their process of reflection and education, for instructors in presenting architectural phenomena as a global concept in the classroom, and for architects in contemplating their material and subject within their daily intellectual practice.


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How to Cite

Bertrand Barbe, N. (2025). Thinking about Architecture from its Three Levels of Analysis and Formation: The Constructive, the Social (Urban), and the Aesthetic (Design). Scientific Journal of Engineering and Architecture_iyA, 3(3), 35–48.