Analytical models for the in-plane shear behavior of confined masonry walls with aspect ratios greater than one subjected to lateral loads
In-plane share, aspect ratio, monotonic lateral load, plastic hinges, confined masonryAbstract
Many analytical models have been proposed to predict the shear capacity of confined masonry walls, but they have been formulated from experimental tests of walls with a unit aspect ratio (h/L = 1). This study determines the in-plane shear behavior of confined masonry walls with aspect ratios greater than one (h/L > 1) subjected to lateral loads modeled with the modified wide column methodology using two analytical models. Experimental results found in the literature were used to validate these analytical models. The experimental tests deal with isolated confined masonry walls, with different aspect ratios, subjected to gravitational loads and monotonic lateral loads. The shear-distortion curves of the experimental tests and the analytical results were compared and a good correlation was obtained in the elastic range, which is a priority for the structural design phase.
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