Oral Manifestations in patients with Rheumatic Diseases, treated at a private rheumatologic clinic in the city of Managua 2022-2023
Rheumatological diseases, oral manifestations, oral lesionsAbstract
Rheumatological diseases are characterized by the loss of immunological tolerance, that is, the body’s ability to recognize itself. There are different mechanisms that are involved in its pathophysiology, such as the high production of autoantibodies and acute phase reactants, which can cause direct damage at a systemic level, among these are: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Sjögren’s syndrome (SS). Objective: Determinate the prevalence of oral manifestations in patients with rheumatological diseases and describe their sociodemographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was carried out, with a mixed paradigm, with an exploratory sequential approach, through a documentary review of medical records of patients with rheumatological diseases and by applying an interview to a rheumatology specialist. Once the information was obtained, a qualitative analysis of the investigated categories was carried out. The total number of medical records corresponds to 83, of which 36 met the inclusion criteria, who were diagnosed with rheumatological diseases in a private clinic by subspecialist Dr. Deyanira Reyes. Conclusion: The prevalence of oral manifestations in patients with rheumatological diseases is 43%, of which 97% is female and 3% male. Most were between the second and fifth decade of life. The most frequent rheumatological diseases are Fibromyalgia 33%, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 23%, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 19%, Sjögren syndrome (SS). The most frequent oral manifestations are xerostomia, aphthous ulcers, temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), dysphagia and periodontitis.
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