Hume and justice, comparative conceptions about actuality analysis
Justice, law, moralsAbstract
Hume is one of the most relevant philosophers in the evolution of the conceptions of human knowledge, his perspective served as a seed to flourish in the thought of later authors, to whom he inspired and served as a guide. This investigation seeks to carry out analysis without any type of contamination, which to date, is considered the masterpiece of this author, his Treatise on human nature, for this reason, an in-depth analysis of the work has been made, an agency of the which is perhaps the first commercial version in Spanish of this book and by applying an inductive-deductive method we have been able to extract the most relevant ideas in the author’s thought and trying to analyze them in our space-time, reaching quite interesting conclusions about how the philosophy of Hume, is perhaps the most suitable for application in modern thought, being much more appropriate today than in his time; this is perhaps because human nature perceives knowledge, but does not necessarily perceive the ethical and moral principles within it. Therefore, what the present work seeks is to determine if man, concerning the law, is based on mere reasoning or a pre-established act, and directed by emotions; and for this, we will carry out an analysis of one of the most relevant works of Hume’s philosophy, his Treatise on human nature.
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