Power and irradiance generated by the photoactivation lamps used in the clinical area of the Dentistry Faculty at the American University (UAM)
Power,, irradiance, wavelength, photons of light, digital radiometer, light spectrumAbstract
The use of photoactivation lamps is essential in dentistry to ensure the adhesion of light-activated
polymeric materials. The quality of light influences polymerization, a crucial step in dental treatments. Therefore, these lamps must provide the required properties for these materials. Inadequate light can negatively affect treatments. Objective: To evaluate the power and
irradiance of photoactivation lamps in the School of Dentistry at the University of America.
Problem: What is the power and irradiance produced by dental photoactivation lamps in the
clinical area of the School of Dentistry at the University of America?
Materials and Methods: The power (mW) and irradiance (mW/cm²) of thirteen lamps used in
the clinical area and two external control lamps were measured. Readings were obtained using
a digital radiometer, Bluephase® II Ivoclar, with the lamps placed on a stand and activated for
ten seconds. Results: It was found that seven lamps had irradiance exceeding 300 mW/cm² at a
distance of 0 mm, decreasing at greater distances. Twelve lamps recorded lower values than the
control lamps. Lamps older than five years exhibited lower power and irradiance than newer ones. Conclusion: Smaller-diameter lamps had higher irradiance than larger-diameter lamps. Only four lamps in the clinical area exhibited an acceptable condition in terms of permanent and reversible damage. This study underscores the importance of light quality in dentistry.
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