About the Journal

The Stomarium Dental Journal of the Faculty of Dentistry at the American University is an annual publication that collects the results of research work stemming from the academic activities of professors, undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as national and international researchers that are of interest to the academic community. The journal aims to disseminate scientific information arising from research in the field of Dentistry.

Sections: Stomarium organizes its sections according to areas of application rather than specialties or types of articles. These sections include: health administration; bioethics; basic sciences, biotechnology, and bioinformatics; literature analysis; dental education or training; dental materials and laboratory; clinical practice; public health and oral epidemiology; current topics.

The Stomarium Dental Journal accepts works such as scientific articles, essays, case reports, literature reviews, monographic studies; however, these documents must be unpublished. The epistemological orientation of this journal is to be scientifically founded and to represent a contribution to the scientific and academic community of our society.

With the aim of motivating and promoting the collaboration of teachers, teacher-researchers, students, professionals, and institutions linked to investigative practice in the field of oral health and stimulating the editing process of the journal, the following guidelines are proposed to be considered by contributors:

  • Open Access Policy

The Stomarium Journal has a policy committed to open access to information and knowledge exchange. Its publications are protected and shared under the terms of the Creative Commons license with attributes of Attribution, Non-Commercial, and Share Alike. This means that anyone accessing the publication will not pay for it and is obligated to cite the author and/or authors of said article. Likewise, they are obligated to declare the same license for their product (article, essay, or other derived work). This corresponds to the open access policies defined by this Alma Mater.

Furthermore, the journal adheres to reporting guidelines for the main types of studies where research subjects are individuals who must be considered within an ethical framework for their clinical studies. Such guidelines can be consulted at: https://www.equator-network.org/

Types of Work that Can be Published

The journal publishes original and unpublished research works from the specialties of dentistry, and clinical cases. Those interested in publishing their works can submit them to the Journal via email: stomarium@uam.edu.ni

a) Scientific articles: These delve into a topic in depth, either: i) developing one or more hypotheses systematically and comprehensively, or ii) presenting a monographic analysis of an innovative topic with appropriate methodology. They aim to account for the result of a relevant, critical, original, and personal research. These writings contain between 10-20 pages including references, figures, tables, images.

b) Essays: These are studies on subjects related to professional work, typically critical, whose main objective is the reasoned exposition of the author's opinion on their object of study. The length of these documents ranges from 10-15 pages with the reference list.

c) Literature review: a section dedicated to the review of literature associated with the dentist's professional field. This document will be presented in 3 pages.

d) Clinical Cases: a report on a clinical case study. A case report is a type of observational study which presents in detail medical complications of one or more patient(s) with unique characteristics. These writings are organized to describe what happened in the clinical history of this patient, the evolution of the ailment, medical care performed, and the results obtained. It is emphasized that such reports are the only means to describe clinical events.

Peer Review Process

The evaluation system used by this journal is external, confidential, and double-blind. All articles and essays received undergo an external peer review process; the referees are considered by the Editorial Committee according to their professional profile, academic merits, and their trajectory.

The referees evaluate in a format (rubric) the scientific relevance, originality of the work, quality of the text and argumentation, methodological rigor, use of original and updated sources. Referees are asked to complete their evaluations within a maximum period of one month; it should be noted that these reviews will be conducted asynchronously. Consequently, the peer review process may take at least two months. Once this phase is completed, the editorial committee sends the text to its author(s) for corrections.

Publication Rights

To make evident the integrity of the authors collaborating in the journal and their work, the main author of each article must write a letter ensuring and certifying that the material presented is unpublished and that it will not be submitted or presented in any other medium before knowing the decision of the Stomarium Journal editorial team.

The journal reserves the exclusive rights of reproduction of the materials published here, governed by an open access policy, under the Creative Commons license, Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

The Stomarium Journal of the Faculty of Dentistry-UAM rejects plagiarism as a way to usurp third-party intellectual property and present it as one's own. From stealing ideas, textual lines, monographic works, research, images, software, designs, etc., without giving credit, or definitively denying primary authors who contributed to science and scientific work.

Therefore, the Stomarium Journal requests researchers to cite the texts that have been consulted for the realization of their research, according to the citation and referencing manual, APA Standards, seventh edition (2020). In this regard, and with the purpose of maintaining compliance with the quality standards of scientific publication, as a result of the arduous study task, according to its themes and out of respect for it, also ensuring the unpublished and original nature of results, all contributions received by this editorial instance will be subjected to strict and thorough study to preserve the integrity and quality of scientific research.

The Stomarium Dental Journal does not charge fees for receiving or editing articles submitted in its edition. The journal is committed to the philosophy of open access (Open Access).

ORCID Registration

Applicants must include their unique ORCID identifier on a personal basis. To create the ORCID number for the first time, use the following email address, this is free: https://orcid.org/register