Portal de Revistas UAM es un espacio donde convergen las publicaciones científicas de docentes, estudiantes e investigadores pertenecientes a las diferentes Facultades  de la Universidad Americana, UAM. 

Con el propósito de contribuir a la ciencia y a la comunidad académica ponemos a disposición del público lector las contribuciones de nuestros docentes e investigadores nacionales e internacionales, que con empeño,  esfuerzo y dedicación comparten los conocimientos anclados a las áreas disciplinares respectivas, a través de esta plataforma de acceso abierto y bajo las licencias pertinentes. 


  • Scientific journal of social studies

    The Scientific Journal of Social Studies (RCES) of the Faculty of Legal Sciences, Humanities and International Relations of the American University, is a biannual publication, collects the results of the research work of national and foreign professors and jurists who are of interest to the academic community. The RCES is aimed at disseminating scientific information from research in the sciences of law, education and international relations.

  • Economic Science Jornal

    The Economic Sciences Journal ESJ allocates this space for publications in the following disciplines:
    Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, International Trade, Actuarial Science, and any other topics defined by the Editorial Board.
    The ESJ announces to the scientific community that this journal has no charges for article processing or publications.

  • Scientific Journal of Engineering and Architecture_iyA

    The Scientific Journal of Engineering and Architecture (iyA) is an annual electronic publication produced by the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the American University UAM. The journal aims to disseminate articles, essays, and projects resulting from high-quality and original research and academic work.

    The publication of the journal aims to serve as a platform for dialogue and exchange of knowledge among professionals, students, professors, and society at large, who are engaged in research activities. In this way, it contributes to the dissemination of findings and innovations that promote scientific development in the fields of engineering, architecture, and all areas of knowledge and disciplinary lines that make up the corpus of Engineering in Information Systems, Industrial, Civil, Architecture, Urban Planning, and Environment.

  • Stomarium Dental Journal

    The Stomarium Dental Journal of the Faculty of Dentistry at the American University is an annual publication that gathers the results of research work stemming from the academic activities of professors, undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as national and international researchers who are of interest to the academic community. The journal aims to disseminate scientific information arising from research in the field of Dentistry.

  • Gaia Environmental Studies Journal

    GAIA Environmental Studies Journal  is an electronic publication produced by the Directorate of Research and University Extension (DIEX) of the American University (UAM). The Journal aims to disseminate articles, essays, and projects resulting from various high-quality and original academic research and work.